
Magyar Zenés Színház

Hungarian Music Theatre


We kindly welcome every visitor on our theatre’s website!


The goal of our theatre is to provide musical performances of high quality, operetts, musicals, hungarian melody nights, musical compilations and concerts for reasonable price in Hungary as well as abroad, not only for hungarian guests.

Beside our own productions, we embrace musical performances which are – in our opinion – worthy of the love of the audience.

We would also like to be a collector theatre. We follow the musical performances in Hungary

We feel obliged to support and broadcast hungarian genres and musical theatres.

Our successful performance, also presented in german, is the operett „Wiener Blut” by Johann Strauss. Monumental and smaller operett, musical and hungarian folklore concerts, performances are greatly appreciated by foreign audiences as well. We also have our own events, for example the „Bugac Festival”.

Our programs and performances can be ordered on the following email addresses:

Phone number: +36308985577

Several performances are available in german language. We also offer concerts in english, german, japanese and spanish, etc.

The members of our company have great experiences in foreign appearances. They perform and sing in theatres, culture centers and ships with pleasure.

The theatre was founded and is directed only by artists. We would like to reach our audiences directly.

Good intent leads us, because it is not only an occupation for us – it’s our passion!


József Bozsó

Art Director

